Posts Tagged ‘Burn after Reading


Movie with expectations – Burn After Reading

Who would not want to watch a movie where the duo of George Clooney and Brad Pitt act together? We have always loved Oceans Eleven, Oceans Twelve and Oceans Thirteen! 

Now the duo is in for another surprise. George Clooney and Brad Pitt are acting in a farce and black comedy film directed by the Coen brothers. Anybody remember Coen brothers?? If not whack up your mind and go for a flashback!! :o) The Coen brothers are the people who delivered us with the amazing movie “No Country for Old Men”. Burn After Reading is supposed to be the next movie after their academy award winning venture.

This movie has already been released in USA and the UK. The movie is supposed to get released in India on December 5. Brad Pitt and George Clooney are my icons. Now my icons coupled with the Coen brothers are going to deliver a movie. So lets how much effort they have put in for the movie. Normally I watch movies with such a kind of hype in the theatre even though they are available in the torrents. So, lets wait and see, my Indian buddies. In fact, I did not even visit the movie’s wikipedia page because once I go there I will get to know the plot of the story. So, “Always late than never”. 🙂

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